Donating through Gift Aid means charities can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give and it will not cost you any extra.Charities can claim Gift Aid on most donations, but some payments do not qualify.
What you need to do:
- You need to make a Gift Aid declaration for the charity to claim. You usually do this by filling in a form or contacting the charity to confirm that you are a UK tax payer and insert your address.
- You must give a declaration to each charity you want to donate to through Gift Aid.
- You can include all donations from the last 4 years. Tell the charity about any tax years where you did not pay enough tax.
- Paying enough tax to qualify for Gift Aid
- Your donations will qualify as long as they’re not more than 4 times what you have paid in tax in that tax year (6 April to 5 April).
- The tax could have been paid on income or capital gains.
- You must tell the charities you support if you stop paying enough tax.
Abdullah Aid is a 100% donation policy charity.
Our operating costs are covered through Gift Aid which helps us to run the charity on a daily basis.